Sunday, May 19, 2013

Is something eating your Dahlia leaves?

Something is biting holes in my dahlia leaves.  I have been doing some research on what it could be and I now suspect that it is slugs.  I have also found  some non-toxic suggestions on  ways to get rid of garden slugs.    

They include:

Beer -  Slugs don't like stale beer any more than you do, so only use cheap, but fresh beer. Use margarine tubs and place them on top of the soil close to the damaged plants. Wait until dusk and fill the tubs with beer. The next morning you should find dead, heavily intoxicated slugs. Repeat this every evening until your slug population is destroyed.
Caffeine - This one is almost as effective as beer. Save your unused morning coffee and spray full strength on the slugs in the evening. Use coffee grounds as a mulch around the plants. This not only deters the slugs but acts as fertilizer for the plants.
Copper - Copper shocks slugs when they touch it. Glue pennies around your pots, or place pennies around your garden plants.
Human Hair - Put a barrier of hair around your plants and watch the slugs get tangled up and strangle themselves. The hair gives nitrogen to the plants to help them grow
Citrus - Put citrus rinds, such as oranges, lemons, or grapefruit around your plants at night. In the morning all the slugs will have collected to feed on the rinds and you can collect the rinds with slugs attached.
Toads - They guys love to eat slugs. Provide the toads with a low source of water and some dark, damp shade for the daytime heat, and they will spend their nights eating your slugs.
Slugs are a universal problem and they can nearly destroy a garden overnight. Getting rid of them doesn't have to involve toxic chemicals. There are non-toxic ways to destroy plant eating slugs just as effectively.
I am going to try the beer and caffeine.  Will let you know how well it works.    

1 comment:

SimplyLoveGardening said...

I sprinkled the coffee grounds around the dahlia plant base of my affected plant and then placed the little tub of beer beside it. There was a small slug in the container this morning. I caught one!